
Saturday, December 10, 2005

Back to the drawing board...

Well, I went to the doctor yesterday for my consultation. It was determined that I will not be needing surgery anytime soon. He measured my curves at 20 degrees, 41 degrees, and 44 degrees (from top to bottom). The great news is that this is very similar to the degree of curvature that was measured three years ago! That means my curves are not progressing rapidly. Apparently, the increased amount of pain that I have been having is just muscle spasms from a mixture carrying my laptop everyday and the cold weather here in North Dakota. Normally, this would be the time when I complain about how doctors only waste my time, but I don't feel that way this time. This doctor actually made me feel better. He was able to back up his decision with research and was willing to answer any questions that I may have. It also made me feel better hearing that I don't need surgery from someone who does spinal fusions all the time. So what's the verdict? He prescribed Pilates. He told me that staying healthy and strengthening my core muscles will help support my spine and alleviate my pain. So I guess I should start taking care of myself. Now I have to find someone around here who actually knows what they are talking about when it comes to Pilates because if I am going to do this, I am going to do it right. I need someone to actually show me how to do the exercises the correct way, rather than screwing myself up by trying to learn on my own from a video.

Am I happy with the results? I don't know. I have mixed feelings. Yes, I'm happy that I won't have to go through another life altering surgery. Yes, I'm happy that I won't be immobile for the Summer. But I was kind of looking forward to having a straight spine. I was looking forward to having good posture. I guess I can still have good posture, I just have to work at it and build my muscles up so there is something there to support my spine.

Now I am off to find time to fit Pilates into my daily routine. When do I start? I leave in 4 days to go back to Ohio for the month (for the holidays). I return to North Dakota on January 5 and Spring Semester begins on January 10th. I want to start this change now, but there is too much going on in the next few weeks. I am afraid that if I don't start now, I never will. I suppose I kind of have to though, I mean, this is my life and happiness that I am talking about here, right?

Maybe (this is wishful thinking but...) I will find a great Pilates instructor and I will learn how to do what I need to do to ease my pain so I don't have to think about the scoliosis. Then, later on in life, when the curves would have progressed to the point that they decide surgery is necessary, maybe at that time there will be something else. Maybe research will have found an alternative "cure" for scoliosis. Maybe...


At 10:23 AM, Blogger Sreenivasa S said...

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